Enticing Butter Board

Oct 20, 2023

Enticing Butter Board

Ingredient Suggestions

Artisanal Butters:

·         Salted butter

·         Unsalted butter

·         Cultured butter

·         Herb-infused butter (e.g., garlic herb or rosemary)

Condiments and Accompaniments:

·         Flavored salts (e.g., sea salt infused with herbs or spices)

·         Honey (preferably in small bowls or jars)

·         A variety of fruit jams (apricot, raspberry, fig, etc.)

·         Fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, chives)

·         Assortment of bread slices (baguette, sourdough, rye)

·         A selection of crackers and breadsticks

·         Nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans)

·         Sliced fruits (figs, apples, pears)


·         A large wooden board or platter


Select Your Butters: Arrange a selection of artisanal butters on your board. Place them in small, attractive dishes or shape them into decorative forms if desired.

Flavored Salts: Sprinkle flavored salts generously over the butter varieties to enhance their flavors. Use sea salt infused with herbs or spices, such as rosemary-infused sea salt or smoked paprika salt.

Honey and Jams: Set out small bowls or jars of honey and a variety of fruit jams. These will provide a delightful contrast to the richness of the butter. Ensure you have a spoon for easy serving.

Fresh Herbs: Scatter fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or chives across the board. These not only add color but also infuse the air with a burst of fragrance.

Breads and Crackers: Arrange an assortment of bread slices, crackers and breadsticks around the board. These act as perfect carriers for the butter and condiments. You can also warm the bread for a delightful touch.

Nuts and Fruits: Incorporate nuts like almonds, walnuts and pecans. Place them strategically for added textures and flavors. Slice fruits like figs, apples and pears and arrange them attractively on the board.

Presentation: Assemble all the ingredients on your chosen wooden board. Get creative with your arrangement, making sure it is visually appealing and accessible to your guests. Provide small butter knives and utensils for spreading the butter and jams.

Enjoy: Dive into the delightful world of flavors and textures. Experiment with different combinations, and let your guests savor this unique and interactive dining experience.


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