Let’s Start A Cowversation!

May 28, 2019

It is June Dairy Month and time to celebrate our local dairy farmers and the nutritious products they work so hard to produce. This month, the St. Louis District Dairy Council is launching a campaign called “Let’s Start A Cowversation” to get others talking about what? Dairy of course!  Our new campaign’s goal is for consumers to come to dairy experts (farmers and those who represent them) with specific questions about all things dairy.  This month, we will be featuring and responding to questions via Facebook and on our website.

The internet and social media outlets are full of misinformation and myths, and not just about the dairy industry.  It is important for consumers to be able to have questions answered or concerns addressed, straight from the farmer.  SLDDC has offered many programs over the years to connect farmers and consumers. We know the direct impact that is made when consumers, health professionals, and students can ask farmers direct questions about their farms, cows, and the processes in place to make sure the cows are happy and the milk is a safe. This is yet another avenue for us to make that imperative connection.

How does “Let’s Start A Cowversation” work?

Did you know that 21% of people do not feel knowledgeable about where their food comes from?  Do you have a question related to dairy farming, dairy foods, or dairy facts? Get your questions answered by the experts at the source.   Email your questions to cowversations@stldairycouncil.org.  Follow our Facebook page (STLDairyCouncil) for month-long promotions and additional opportunities to connect with farmers.   

What do we want consumers to know about dairy?

What are some common myths related to dairy that registered dietitians at the SLDDC educate on? Organic milk is not nutritionally superior to any other kind of dairy milk.  Alternative (oat, rice, and almond) beverages do not have the same nutritional package as cow’s milk- so be sure to check your labels.  Antibiotics are not present in any milk due to the regulations and testing that occur on every tank of milk transported from every dairy farm.  There are many checks and balances that occur on every single dairy farm and also at processing plants, to ensure that the milk and other dairy products that are purchased at the store are safe and nutritious.


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